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[FResHU-info(EN)](メルマガ英語版)Vol.34 The 19th “Sci-Tech Talk in English”

Hello, this is the last mail news this year from Support Office for Female Researchers.
We appreciate all of your cooperation this year, and we wish you a Happy New Year.

The 19th “Sci-Tech Talk in English”

Today I will inform you about the seminar, the 19th “Sci-Tech Talk in English” by Dr. Bruno Mota, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
This event is organized as a part of the internationalization activities of the Faculty of Science and is intended for non-specialists. All talks and discussions to follow are conducted in English. We welcome all students, faculty members and others who are interested in science.

■ Title
A tale of two sciences: The physical origins of form in neuroscience
■ Time and Date
Tuesday, January 30th, 2018, 17:15-18:15
■ Venue
1F Seminar Room, the Hokkaido University Museum
■ Speaker
Dr. Bruno Mota, a Professor at the Physics Institute, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

More details are below,

Support Office for Female Researchers in Hokkaido University(FResHU)
URL: https://freshu.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/

Email: freshu@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp